
Hey all! 
Welcome to a fun blog about the funny things kids say. I am sure that all mom's have their kids tell them things that they wish they would have written down.  So here I am.  I will also be jotting down other things as well.  I hope that you will enjoy what you read. Also, I will be posting some fun home made recipes for fun things to make with your kids.  If  anything a good laugh is always nice.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Smell my hand....

Leave it to my kids to come up with the most disgusting thing they can think of that I always end up being the smeller, taste tester, and wiper of things that should just not be in my job description.

I get my three year old out of the bath tub the other night, and I wrap him in his towel. Then he goes into his sister's room to wait for me to get his clothes. I am dressing him in his sister's room because they have to share a dresser. Any who, he is sitting there with this look on his face as I am pulling out his pajamas. He has his towel on still, but then I notice that one hand is missing under the towel. HMMMMMM.......... " What are you doing honey?" I asked for it! " Smell my hand mom." Okay, you just know that this is not going to be a good thing. He had stuck his fingers in his bum crack and wanted me to smell.
Delicious I know. Yes they stunk like butt, and I had to go wash his hands!!!! EWWWWWW! I am just so excited for the next thing I have to smell or not smell.......