
Hey all! 
Welcome to a fun blog about the funny things kids say. I am sure that all mom's have their kids tell them things that they wish they would have written down.  So here I am.  I will also be jotting down other things as well.  I hope that you will enjoy what you read. Also, I will be posting some fun home made recipes for fun things to make with your kids.  If  anything a good laugh is always nice.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

School shopping

Mommy's blog star date number 6782 rounded to the nearest decimal point.
Aw, yes it's that fun time of summer when you realize that all good things must come to an end. It's time to drag your hoodlums to the store for a fun day of fighting,and crying over having to go to one more store. I love it! We get to the store and I pick out pants for my five year old who is going to be starting kindergarten this year. I take him to the dressing room to see what size will fit him best. He looks in the mirror then at me, back in the mirror and asks," mom do these pants make my butt look big?" SERIOUSLY! Your five. I had to reassure him with every pair he tried on that his behind looked awesome! I thought that this was something that only girls worried about........

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