
Hey all! 
Welcome to a fun blog about the funny things kids say. I am sure that all mom's have their kids tell them things that they wish they would have written down.  So here I am.  I will also be jotting down other things as well.  I hope that you will enjoy what you read. Also, I will be posting some fun home made recipes for fun things to make with your kids.  If  anything a good laugh is always nice.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Costume Heaven!

My six year old decided that he was going to use his birthday money to buy him a Mario costume for Halloween this year.
We go to our friendly Wal-mart to purchase his ultimate dream costume. They are sold out of his size and of course this translates in to the end of the world as we know it!

I tell him to calm down we will go home and order it on the Internet. So I have single handily saved the world from a meltdown of the century.... your welcome! Five days later it FINALLY arrives. I was in the bathtub when I heard all this excitement in the family room, followed by the sounds of three voices at the bathroom door informing me unanimously that the costume was just dropped off by a guy in a brown van that dropped the package and left. Just in case you wanted the play by play. Sweet niblits!

For the past 2 days he has worn it non stop I had to convince him that he could not wear it to go get his flu shot, but he did wear the hat! Needless to say he is in his happy place with his new found love (for this month anyway), MARIO!


  1. Emily, That is so cute. I can just hear you telling that story in person. Thank heaven for Kids and simple things that bring them so much joy!

  2. Isn't it wonderful? maybe we should get one too... LOL
