
Hey all! 
Welcome to a fun blog about the funny things kids say. I am sure that all mom's have their kids tell them things that they wish they would have written down.  So here I am.  I will also be jotting down other things as well.  I hope that you will enjoy what you read. Also, I will be posting some fun home made recipes for fun things to make with your kids.  If  anything a good laugh is always nice.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I don't want my hair cut!

I asked my sister to cut my boy's hair because I nicked their ears the last time I cut their hair so they won't let me anywhere near them with the clippers! I don't blame them.
My 4 year old went first and he was telling his aunt how good she was at cutting his hair, but not my mom she cut my ear. Nice! Well if they wouldn't move then we would never of had that little problem! Any who, it's my 6 year olds turn and he is no where to be found. Great I have scarred him for life! I call out for him to come get his hair cut and he yells back,"No way! I am never getting my hair cut again! " I was reassuring him that I would not be touching his hair. He was not going for it. So then I use the Santa is watching you trick! I know I am clever. I told him that he wouldn't be earning any gold stars from Santa if he didn't get his hair cut.

He finally comes into the kitchen and tells me "I heard Santa praying to Jesus that I wouldn't be scared to get my hair cut, and I am not scared anymore." I know that Santa is such a good ole' boy!

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